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Carpentry process used to reinforce a damaged or weakened joist. A new board is sistered on either side of the weakened joist, restoring its ability to withstand any load. 

LiFT Circles 
Living in Flow Together


Too often as women we find ourselves shoring up the people in our lives without giving ourselves permission to ask for support in return. It leaves us feeling isolated, depleted and hungry for authentic connection.


The pervasiveness of this situation prompted my friend Susan Hyman and I to create LiFT (living in flow together): a sistering circle safe enough to do the dangerous work of showing up exactly as we are - in our vulnerability and our unapologetic strength. 


Each season, ALTAR offers multiple sistering circles, making LiFT available to many more women. 


We hope that participating in a LiFT circle will become a signature part of the ALTAR experience. 

Kathy Bresler
Founder and Consciousness Concierge

(Jeanette LeBlanc) (9 x 7 in) (5).png

The Details:


  • LiFT Circles are open to everyone, and are included free or at a discount in all of the membership levels. 

  • To create an intimate, connected experience, space in each circle is limited to 12.

  • Circles will meet on Zoom so anyone can participate from anywhere on the globe! 

  • Circles are facilitated by an experienced space holder whose role is to allow the wisdom of each woman and the group to emerge. 

  • Each LiFT circle will have a private feed in the ALTAR-Net app to stay in touch and deepen the connection between gatherings. 

  • ALTAR will host a special LiFT gathering each season for all circle participants to come together to connect and share.

  • Members receive a discount on enrollment. Learn more about becoming a member.

    • ​Members will have the opportunity to pre-register for circles before they open to the public. The fee for non-members is $199 for the season.

    • Connect and Gather level members may purchase additional LiFT Circle registrations for 15% off. Sustain level members may choose to use their four tokens at any point during the year.


Our goal is to make the LiFT experience as widely available as possible. Limited supportive funding is available.

Please email us if cost is an issue.

Here’s what some of the past LiFTers have to say about their experience:


"Being in a circle of women who talk about life and ideas; self and spirit, brings me peace, adds fire to my passions, and elevates my purpose."


"I have had moments of being held both physically and emotionally when struggling through deep challenges. I have laughed through tears of joy and celebration for sweet, personal news and profound, eye-opening wisdom."


"I have never had the same experience of a LiFT circle twice. It is not simply the conversation that makes each gathering unique. There is a version of me that I bring to the circle every time that is changeable, as life is changeable."

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