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Wed, Feb 03



Kicking Ass in a Corset: Jane Austen’s Six Principles for Living and Leading from the Inside Out™

Current Session | 6:00-8:00pm CST

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Kicking Ass in a Corset: Jane Austen’s Six Principles for Living and Leading from the Inside Out™
Kicking Ass in a Corset: Jane Austen’s Six Principles for Living and Leading from the Inside Out™

Time & Location

Feb 03, 2021, 6:00 PM CST – Mar 03, 2021, 10:00 PM CST


About the Event

You have always been more powerful than you were led to believe. But it is so easy to forget this especially during times of challenge, disruption, and change. This six-week course in Internally Referenced Leadership™ will explore the question, how can we, as women, realize our own internal power both personally and professionally, no matter the constraints in the external world?     

Andrea Kayne directs the Educational Leadership Program at DePaul University and is the author of the forthcoming book from Iowa Press entitled Kicking Ass in a Corset: Jane Austen’s Six Principles for Living and Leading from the Inside Out, on which the course is based. In it you will learn to “close your own circuit” so that you can live life on YOUR terms, from a place of internal peace and equanimity, no matter what is going on in the outside world. This has been her life’s work. This has been her life. And she is still working on this every day…

Each week Andrea will offer new insights and practices that emerge from her study of self empowerment, Leadership and Jane Austen’s archetypes. These will help you develop your Internally Referenced Leadership™ skills and most importantly, an Internally Referenced view of yourself. You. Kick. Ass.

Specifically, you will learn to: 

• Know your own internal and inherent value, especially in external environments that intentionally or unintentionally devalue you or create other outer conditions of unworthiness. 

• Respond to external tumult and adverse change with an internal calm, acceptance, and problem-solving resilience. 

• Choose internal worthiness, hard work, and merit over external constructs that bestow the shortcuts of privilege, entitlement, and being a member of the “right” club. 

• Identify your moral center and speak truth to power. 

• Nurture and be nurtured by your child-like dreaming, wonder, curiosity, and hope.  

• Lean into and relish being a work in progress who is never finished and is always growing.   

COURSE DETAILS  Class meets via Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm CST: Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10, Feb 17, Feb 24, and March 3. Classes will be recorded if you can’t attend live. 


CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS  Participants will receive a continuing education unit from DePaul University.  

FAQS:  I HAVEN’T READ JANE AUSTEN. CAN I TAKE THIS PROGRAM?  Yes, the reading of Jane Austen is not mandatory or necessary at all to learn from Andrea and how she combines Austen’s archetypes with modern technologies.  WHAT IF I MISS A CLASS?  If you can’t make it live you’ll be able to access the recording.  Closed captions and transcripts will be provided. 


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